How many times have you been searching for Goole on the internet
and received the message, "Did you mean Google?" ?
Well, why not try Goole Museum Volunteers' very own
'Goole isn't Google' Search Engine?
Goole is a unique place! Not only is it the UK's furthest inland port, but the name of the town very closely resembles the name of a very popular - and, usually, excellent - search engine. However, with this 'fame' comes a problem ... when searching on the web for anything Goole-related, the results are usually preceded by the question "Did you mean Google?", followed by pages of Google links - resulting in many Goole inhabitants and researchers shouting at their screen, "NO!! I meant GOOLE!!!"
So, Goole Museum Volunteers have tried, in a small way, to address this problem. We have created our own Goole search engine, which provides links to a wide variety of websites featuring facts and information on our favourite town! Please, give it a try. Pop a Goole-related search into the box and see if it provides any useful links. If it does ... please let us know. And if you are aware of any websites which would be useful to include within the search engine, please contact us - we will be only too happy to add them. Just a couple of search tips ... We have found that sometimes a one word search - such as "library", for instance -will give no results, whereas searching for "Goole library" brings up several. The same seems to occur sometimes with names - "Hayes" brings up no results, but "Bertram Fox Hayes" leads to a number of links. So, if your initial query is unsuccessful, it might be worth adding a word or two and see if this helps. If you would like to get in touch, our email address is: [email protected] or, alternatively, we can be contacted via the Contact page on this website. |
And please don't forget to visit our other websites:
Have you visited Goole Museum recently?
(aka. "The one above the library"!!!)
You'll be amazed how much there is to see in there!
TELEPHONE NUMBER (01405) 768963
ADDRESS Carlisle Street,
DN14 5DR
East Riding of Yorkshire
Opening Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00am – 5pm
Wednesday: 10.00am – 7pm
Saturday: 09.00am – 4pm
Sunday and Monday: Closed
Lunchtime closing is 12.00-12.30 (1.30-2.00pm on Wednesdays)
Closed on bank holidays including Christmas and New Year, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00am – 5pm
Wednesday: 10.00am – 7pm
Saturday: 09.00am – 4pm
Sunday and Monday: Closed
Lunchtime closing is 12.00-12.30 (1.30-2.00pm on Wednesdays)
Closed on bank holidays including Christmas and New Year, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.