Did you know ...
- In 1839, Francis Drake was alive and living at No.7 Ouse Street, Goole. Appropriately, he was working as a Waterman!!
- The population of Goole in 1821 was 450. By 1831 this had risen to 1671.. In 2010, there were 17,600 inhabitants!!
- In 1886. it was deemed necessary to read the Riot Act in Goole. This was carried out by a Mr Bladworth, J.P., in front of the Lowther Hotel but, unfortunately, there was so much noise from the rioters that hardly anyone could hear what was being said! http://thegooleexperience.weebly.com/the-goole-riots.html .
- Seen in the Goole and Marshland Gazette, 19th August 1871:
Wholesale & Retail Basket & Perambulator Manufactory, 43 Market Place, Hull.
J.W. Beeton, .Proprietor.
The Challenge Perambulator
4s.6d. each,
warranted to carry a child 8 stones weight.
- Mr Google might have been around in 1660 - but not in Goole!!!
Image from Poll Book of 1660, from the parish of St Horatio, Townsend Barr.
- Well, we've all heard of Hurricane Fish ... but have you heard about Hurricane Goole??